The Wizard’s Toolbox

Jasmuheen – May 2018
As one friend or family member after another tackle some very powerful life challenges, many also share how grateful they are for what I call our “Wizards Toolbox” that cache of techniques that are tried and true that consistently deliver results to bring harmony and balance back to life. It’s not that we cease to be challenged it’s just that with our toolbox we tend to pass through life’s challenges more quickly.
Asking to see the bigger picture around an issue, asking to understand what learning or insight is being delivered, then opening to sense the virtue that is being delivered more powerfully via the situation, all of this also seems to speed up the solving of the challenge.
Still sometimes the greatest technique is just the letting go, the trust in the perfection of each situation – for personally I know that every life challenge I have ever faced has eventually made me a much better person.
Sometimes we require just an attitude flip, sometimes all we can do is bring ourselves back fully to the now moment, to take a few deep breaths, to let everything else go but the awareness of the moment. When we do this it is like a balm where our system can fully relax.
Here we notice how the sun is still shining, the subtle power of a mountain breeze, the singing of the birds in trees, the languid movements of a cat lying on a sun filled deck, then stretching out in joy … and so it goes on for there is so much to sense in every precious moment.
People live then people die. How they choose to live is their own souls journey and what they have determined to achieve pre-embodiment is their free will choice, as is how long they have sensed they will need to achieve it. And yet our loved ones are so precious and those who love them want so much more at times and so we impose wellness and longevity on them, often completely ignorant of the higher perspective to it all.
A meditator discovers via expanded states of awareness that there is no death as we still exist whether we are in form or formless. So what is wrong with a 5 or 10 or 20 or 40 year life span choice, why do we judge this as bad? Who is our sorrow for?
People dropping physical form for a Lightbody upgrade, plus pre-embodiment planning and the rest life view have kept coming in through our groups over the last six months as there are times and things that will come to us all that will challenge us on many levels and we will need to take a higher view.

And when we can’t quite get that view?

Then we need to come back to each precious now moment where the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing and the cat is sleeping contentedly at our feet.