Anchoring in the Deepest Peace to Nourish Ourselves and Our World
“Asking and being open to receive is one of the first steps required to receive some of the gifts of the quantum field. Taking control via our lifestyle to tune to specific channels within the universal field is a basic and easy art to learn.” Jasmuheen
Wow two newsletters this month – this is so unusual for me as per the reasons below …
However … the first reason is for those of you who have emailed in with difficulty accessing the link we sent you last time to this wonderful new course – please try this link below but remember it will expire on the 28-02-22.
Yes, we will officially begin our new Pathways of Peace Course tomorrow but you can join us anytime as due to our international time constraints these courses have been recorded for you to participate at your leisure and at a time that works for you. It is wonderful to open to be able to go beyond time constraints and just be in the timeless now imagining we are all together in each section of each course as if we are tuned in live.
Remember we also offer scholarships for those who require this.
We have also uploaded new videos and audios in our Free Online Events and Free Meditation sections! This includes our recent sharing on Kryon and Lee Carroll’s Healing Wednesdays event we did on the 26-01-2022 that is on their private channel that I have shared in our Free Global events section with their permission.
Please see our new video on this Pathways of Peace new course also either on YT at this link or you can watch the advert free version on this Course page here!
It truly has been a great joy to film this new Course and also to be able to tailor make it to our current global situation as anchoring ourselves in deep peace is such a gift for ourselves and our world right now.
Finally, as I recently shared with many of you on our social media channels …
After 58 years of conscious service I feel as if I have slowed right down finally and I am almost in ‘semi-retirement’ mode these days – this is due to the global game of no travel for me these past few years and also just because it feels right … as I seem to be engulfed in a deeper pattern of silent stillness which is just so delicious! The break and downtime from constant touring these past few years was much needed and I have also had some huge family changes which have taken up a lot of my time as well – family and those we love are so important as we all know!
I am also actually still assessing what I want to do with the time flows that I have – which is mainly just follow the call of my heart of hearts – smiles – and enjoy fully each now moment … and so the reality of mindfulness absorbs me more and more … being present as pure Presence …
This also means that I am not uploading as many videos either on YT these days nor getting involved in many projects as I am feeling just the heart call to complete our Embassy of Peace Online Courses at the moment and to complete my new book on True Love Pure Love.
But I wish you all the best in all that you are all doing and I truly am sorry that I haven’t had time to personally tune in to you on a deeper level!!!
Still we are connected heart to heart and I know we are all appreciating all the gifts that we each carry and are sharing in our unique way and time with our evolving world.
So we hope you continue to enjoy all of our Online Courses and as usual your feedback is always so appreciated!
And yes we will still have a few Live Zoom Gatherings during this year in multiple languages.
Biggest hugs to you all – Jasmuheen
Also see our new Meditations below and please note that the date for our event in France has now changed!