Gratitude Letters – The Christed Ones

Continuing on with our heartfelt gratitude letters …
Letter to The Christ
I sense you materialising before me on the inner plane, your radiance so vast and loving. I have been lost … devoid of purpose since you last appeared to invite me to leave this world behind, to let go and be dissolved by light and step into the infinite field of your love. I remember it all so clearly now as if it just occurred as is the way with visions that are real. Yet years have passed in my gypsy traveller life on Earth – although to this Earth I feel I have never truly been bound yet I love it all the same.
Yet here today you came once more in answer to my prayers for I cannot be in this world without an anchor here.
Yes, I have been lost … adrift without purpose yet at peace … our last meeting was so profound, so unexpected as each meeting with you always is. How sweet that night, how magical to find myself among you all, your words so clear still in my mind …
“Just let go, your work on Earth is done …,” you all intoned.
If my Beloved husband had not felt the shift in me and squeezed my hand, would the choice have come? And yet I know the squeezing of my hand, his awareness that something was happening within me, that this was the choice being given. Coincidence is never part of your world, just Grace and so I chose to stay.
In that field of love and light you gave me the awareness of my grand-children yet to be born, pure souls who would journey to this Earth, cosmic travellers like us all! I had to stay for them I know but thank you for the choice.
I never knew that death could be like that, so easy and so pure that the light could come and bring such love to dissolve this illusionary world, how time stood still to reveal the timeless void where all can be seen and known.
Will it be like this again when I finally choose to leave this world?
But that was then and this is now and years have passed between. And here you are again so beloved to my heart.
I ask, “If this is true and that which I have come to do is done, how can I serve you now?”
“Record,” you say. “Record it all. Be the silent witness as you travel through the world, watch and then record.”
I realise then that to witness and stimulate, that which needs to be recorded, go hand in hand and you agree … a new time is coming you tell me, many choices to be made … record it all you say again as the sacred space I find myself in with you begins to fade and once more this solid world appears and yet we know it is not that solid at all.
Has a decade passed since the Christed invitation to record was given? Am I still the gypsy traveller on Earth, the one not bound to form?
I sense you all with me all the time as if Akasha records through my eyes, the journey of a cosmic traveller on Earth.
At times the illusion of this world seems so real, at times it fades to mist as I invite the stillness of solitude and silence to engulf me and take me back to you.
You are always there, the true Beloveds, family, my kin.
A breath away …
“A subtle breath, so slow and gentle is your key of access,” you once said, “to find the Kingdom that you seek, look deep within,” you said.
And this is truth.
My heartache only came when I forgot that you were there, forgot the one that breathes us all. Oh, the joy of first remembrance!
It shocked me then when you later revealed your face so dear, finally taking form. Until then I had only sensed your endless loving flow.
The night was late and dark and I don’t know why you came for my heart was still and full.
Is that the secret to it all? That when we seek nothing at all that this is when all can then be given?
I was deep then in the heart of the Amazon jungle, surrounded by cosmic dancers, those who could travel well beyond the stars, the keepers of wisdom, the shaman of a truth so profound. I’d twisted my ankle and could not dance and so I sat in silent stillness sensing them all around me as I relaxed into the currents of pure awareness that were there.
It seemed to me that you reached through the veils that separate our realms, as two strong hands grabbed my arms and quickly pulled my spirit free. I soared then, higher and higher away from the Earth, leaving my body safe in silent stillness on the ground until I lost all awareness of my form.
You placed me gently then upon a set of crystal stairs, then sat beside me and took form. Such beauty I have never seen before, so radiant so serene, I was speechless and in awe!
I think I gaped; my mouth opened wide like a child being given a longed-for toy. You turned away so that I could compose myself, and began to stare at our world.
As I watched you watch our Earth your face and being transformed.
You were pure joy and so unconditional in your love of all we are and do on Earth.
It felt as if you were the proudest father of a child who could do no wrong – how could that be I asked myself knowing what we have created in the world; with its pockets of chaos and pain.
These thoughts could not stay for the wonder on your face; the radiance of your pure love dissolved all but one desire in my heart.
“I want to love this Earth and her people like you, teach me how …” came the prayer in my overawed heart.
You turned to me then and your love stayed pure and strong accepting unconditionally all that I am and have done … Beloved oh so Beloved.
“You have chosen well,” you said, “to try to end the hunger in this world …”
“I chose? I thought I was assigned …”
“You choose,” you said, “you all choose the roles you play on Earth …”
We spoke then mind to mind without the need for words, of so many things as if millennia flowed through me unable to be caught yet the imprinting that was needed had been done.
It is the only time that I have seen your face and form yet time and time again you have reached beyond the veils to let me sense the sweetness of your love.
A willingness to know pure love is the key to your kingdom it seems.
“Ask,” you later told me, “ask to experience the deepest purest flows of love within creation” and so I did. How can we know what creation holds until we ask to find?
“Ask,” you told the world, “if you ask you can receive.”
As we sat in that star filled night with our Beloved Earth below, I began to feel again so overwhelmed, yet you brought me back to such a simple truth …
Looking deep into my eyes you said, with greatest care and compassion …
“Can you look into the eyes of all and see the Christed Light?”
“Can you then look into the heart of all and seek to see the Christed Love?”
Did I nod or mumble, “Yes?”
And then you said …
“If you can train yourself to do this with all you meet, then they will see what you see and in the seeing their Christed nature will rise … this is all in truth you need to do …”
Beloved Christed Ones …
You taught me of the Beingness of life, how travellers never travel for we are in truth all one … how planets come and contain all that we are as Source, how Source is a field of love that is everywhere and how Source is our own true nature …
You revealed to me the wisdom that the field of love contains and then revealed its power …
“You have known my love, you have known my wisdom and now may you know my power!” you proclaimed later that night, as instantly my body seemed to explode into a billion particles of light. You set me adrift as golden cosmic stardust, in a dark yet star lit sky, where you let me wander long enough to know the power that you have at your command.
In an instant you reformed my body back to shape yet left it stunned by what had just occurred.
I had been resisting, I know, as you’d tried to teach me the healing power of the Christed way …
“I am not a healer,” I had declared, “why do you bring me this?” my monkey-mind complained.
I look back on all you have shown me and judge myself a student so poor, so resistant at times to what would soon unfold, how easy would my journey have been to have had no resistance at all?
Yet you have loved me still, through it all you love me still.
I listened then to all you had to say that Amazon jungle night, once my body had reformed, shocked, in awe of the power you held to destroy in an instant and then reform the same way.
What unfolded when I listened was magic as you kneeled before me with such love your hands over mine and I sat palms upwards in my lap. Light danced between us as sacred patterns began to appear and sacred words were once again intoned.
I have taught this healing technique to so many since you shared it with me that night and their lives and their health improves with it day by day.
They imagine you there as we guide them through each step along the way but you were never in the field of imagination, instead you brought me to your field of light that took on the glow of a holy cathedral.
And when the day comes for my final release from this world, I know we will meet there once again.
Yet I have sensed you since these magical nights and days, because you hold my heart forever in the palm of your healing hands. And in this I am content.