The Renovation of the Soul

In this controversial video below, Jasmuheen shares about the powerful changes on Earth and what is required from us all to move into more harmonious times …

She writes; ” As we all enter into deeper reflection on our individual and also collective creations, it is simply a time of saying yes or no.

“Yes” to more honor and integrity in how we treat each other and our planet, seems to be a major invitation now for we the people of this earth have tremendous power and what we say yes or even no too, can change the course of our evolution.

Can we say no to paradigms that are fear based and divide?

As I watch so much unfolding in our world it is so easy to see that this yes/no bridge we stand upon will determine how the unified field responds and thus determine our individual and collective future …”

Moment by moment, the choice is ours and not our governing bodies.