Silent Stillness


“I must admit that more than ever before, I have come to appreciate those times of silent stillness, of peace-filled solitude, to just be, where there is nothing to do or to say, yet where there is everything to gain. When I was young, I never knew that silent stillness held such richness or such deep peace … yet this is the current of energy for this new time, it is always there, within and around us, waiting, nurturing, present …. “

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Seven weeks in Thailand enjoying darkroom for 36 days and 36 nights, going deeper into silent stillness, being more aware of the infinite patterns of Grace and love and support that are there for us all in life, with all of it leaving me more speechless than ever before. It is so strange that the longer I live on Earth, the more I find I have so much less to say … or perhaps this is just a by-product that the field of loving silent darkness contains?
Yet the more time I spend on Earth, the more I see how people everywhere are just so magnificent, no matter what games they play, from the game of separation to the game of being One, and all the shades of being that we can experience in-between. Everywhere I look, I see this infinite play, all unfolding so perfectly for all, with all able to be changed so easily at will once we remember that it is a play and that we all have choice as to what we wish to give our energy to.
Yet now I am home, still deep in silent stillness, yet awed and almost overwhelmed by the external world and how beautiful it is have physical vision again, especially since we are now in our sunny autumn time. The beach, the sunsets, the fresh autumn air, the breezes up the valley, playing with my kittens who are now almost adolescent, yet still so loving and so much fun! Time with family and friends, time to enjoy all that our world contains … there is so much to enjoy in life, so much that is so precious when we stop to just be aware and be grateful. And sometimes we also need to stop and examine our motivation, why do we actually do the things we do? And is our motivation fear based or loved based as per the “Because I Love You” insight video link in the adjoining column.
I read recently in a local women’s magazine that being grateful is the new focus for those who were recently enjoying the benefits of mindfulness which is an art we all develop in darkroom. I wonder who sets these trends or are they just a reflection of an expanding consciousness among the people of Earth?
It seems as if apart from gratitude, that the current virtue rising in the fields of Earth is compassion, plus a loving awareness of the power of kindness to self and all life. I also love Grace where Grace is an energy that is attracted to us when we flood our systems with the cosmic electricity of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom and Divine Power. Grace brings magic and synchronicity and joy, a feeling that everything is flowing perfectly, unfolding perfectly driven by some Divinely orchestrated beat. Grace is the feminine principle, the cosmic mother of nurturing love that supports and soothes creation.
Many are also hearing a heart felt call to make life simpler, to be more loving in all we are and do and to make sure that we also spend time self nurturing as we also ensure that our presence is also nurturing for all life on Earth.So now that I am out of darkness and literally living back in the light, it is also time to catch up on answering all my emails again!

So, big thanks to all who have been asking for details regarding our next Embassy of Peace Retreat and also to those asking for my tour schedule for this 2016 year!

As so many know most of my work now is primarily in China although I am still reformatting my whole service agenda energy pattern especially as our work becomes even more aligned to the channel of Grace and Compassion of our beautiful Kwan Yin!
So the point of this is just to say that we are not there yet, but  hopefully I will be able to provide schedules and dates in a few months if not sooner!  India in September-October? Yes! China in August and November? Probably! A Sacred Art Retreat at Uluru in central Australia in September? I hope so …I also know that I will be back in Brazil to do an Embassy of Peace Retreat and initiation ceremony, at the end of 2017, and hopefully we will be able to schedule China for an Embassy Retreat around that time-frame too!
And yes it seems so strange to think about the future when right here, right now is so complete! Still, until we email out again, we wish you the infinite blessings of happiness and health! May your heart be filled with love, gratitude and compassion for all life …  
Wishing you all so much love, light and barrels of laughter!  Big hugs Jasmuheen and Anjie