Life Purpose and Clarity

2014-jas-meditations-LIFE-PURPOSE The below meditations are designed to improve our clarity regarding our Life Purpose while also allowing us to discover more regarding our existence from a higher level perspective by accessing the Cosmic Database of the Akashic Records.

As with all our meditations these and are best utilized in conjunction with our Love Breath Meditation which tunes us more to the channel of pure love where it is easier to access our intuitive nature.

For more data on what each one does, click on the links below where you will find a brief introduction audio and video link if applicable plus a link to the more detailed meditation itself which can be downloaded from this website or from our iTunes channel.

LIFE PURPOSE & CLARITY:– Being conscious of what we are creating is a basic part of our existence on earth especially when we choose to live our lives by three Universal Laws.

These are the Law of Love, where we realize that Divine Love has the power to transform all that it touches via our Love Breath Meditation that we enjoyed earlier, the Law of One – where we know that on an energy transference level, everything we are and do affects the whole – plus the Universal Law of Resonance where we know that what we focus on will grow as like will attract like – for more on this you may enjoy reading our book In Resonance.


Come and enjoy our wonderful meditations in person while we tour …. To find out if I will be in an area near you click here.

Also if just being healthier, happier, more peace filled and living harmoniously with all life appeals to you then come & enjoy & add your energy to our famous

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