The Shamballa Matrix and the True Beloved

The Shamballa Matrix and the True Beloved with Jasmuheen

As we open to experience the purer flows of true unity consciousness on Earth and leave behind the density of duality, so much begins to be revealed to us, for that is the nature of the field of infinite love and wisdom that when we seek we find, when we open to experience we will. Especially when what we seek to experience is for the highest good of human evolution.

To simply ask this field to reveal a deep experience of true unity consciousness on Earth sets up a magnetic attractor pattern for us to come into that realm and yet the Shamballa matrix has so many levels within it. Yes one of its aspects is true unity consciousness and the experience of this, another is the experience of the energy of the True Beloved, a pulsation that can be strong or weak within or around us depending on our focus upon It.

This energy of the true beloved has the ability to wash itself out from the heart chakra and bathe the human system in an energy that sets us free from so many limitations regarding the paradigm of love. By taking us back to that infinite flow of pure, pure love that gave birth to all of creation we are so satiated on so many levels that our human relationships and the dynamics of these change, setting those around us free from any limited expectations that we may have had of ourselves and others, by aligning us to the Source of pure love within and allowing us to love all around us unconditionally.

That flow of unconditional love delivers such freedom to us all, for it becomes a fertilising agent from which we can grow and blossom. When we project our limited human expectations regarding love onto each other it is, and has, the opposite effect of blossoming, in fact many tend to shrink, for a human system is unable to fulfil the longing that each one has for true love-pure love unless we too are anchored into the flows of this source of love.

The True Beloved energy has so much to deliver to a human system and through a human system that is in essence so liberating for us all. This is one flavour that is flowing through the Shamballa Matrix, as is the rhythm of pure contentment, permanent peace and all the virtues that are available for a human system to be bathed within.

The Shamballa Matrix itself also – when fully arisen and aligned to within and around us – has the ability of course to nourish the human system in such a different way that we are, as a side benefit of this or a by-product of this alignment, made free from all human hungers. In the Shamballa Matrix pulse of the True Beloved, of true unity consciousness, everything becomes a pleasure rather than a necessity. The flavour of life is different, our hungers absent themselves, as we feel permanently satisfied by this matrix.

There is so much of course we can share of the Shamballa Matrix pulse and yet day by day as we seek to step deeper into it, as we open to its field of pure potential, more can be revealed to each one of us according to what it is we need to experience of this dimension.

To say and proclaim that Shamballa matrix is fully present on Earth is an understatement and yet again its keys of entry are very specific – alignment via our lifestyle, time spent in silence, solitude, contemplation, stillness, these are all keys of entry for us now. As is the sincere hearted desire to experience all that the Shamballa energy field, that permeates Earth, contains.

Yet we must also come into a point where we are done with the games of duality yet can unconditionally love and appreciate duality and its dimension of learning as well. It is what it is, there is nothing to change within the dimension of duality, for it functions perfectly for what it offers in the learning spectrum.

And yet when we come to a point where we can sincerely say ‘ok I’m done with the games of duality now, let me experience the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, let me experience the Shamballa Matrix, let me step fully in Buddha’s Pure Land’ or whatever we label this now to be; when we are really ready for this, only then can the realities contained within Shamballa’s Matrix be fully revealed. Yet to align and access this experientially is also a matter of right brain activation, of clairvoyant, clairaudiant and clairsentience ability to be aware of this subtle yet empowering dimensional flow. Again how we choose to spend our time is always one of the major keys for alignment to what the infinite field of pure potential can offer, for lifestyle determines our personal resonance field and how the field of pure potential responds.

Jasmuheen will be one of the keynote speakers at the GCSS in Pyramid valley Bangalore where her theme and supporting meditations will be alignment and entry into the Shamballa Matrix of the True Beloved and Buddha’s Pureland. 2015 GCSS dates – 1st-4th October 2015