Our gratitude letters continue …
It is so interesting to find who we connect with in our journey through life – not just physical friends but also our ‘non-physical’ friends who I noticed coming in around me after my brother died and once I started regular meditation.
Through these challenging times we all have so much more support than we realize sometimes and which is why I have felt guided to share my Letters of Gratitude … love to read your letters of gratitude is you wish to share them in the comments section!
Here is this next letter …

Letter to Babaji
Is it wrong to say that all I thought at first was that you were so handsome? Your long dark hair, your deep black eyes, your chiselled face and long straight nose? Or how I carried your photo in my wallet for years without ever knowing your name. I just felt connected. From the moment I was given your photo I knew that you were mine in some strange way … and then you came … beaming in as I stood in my gym lifting weights … standing in my doorway in a field of golden light your features barely seen yet I knew exactly who you were …
I love how it is always like this how whenever any of you beam in and our realms suddenly merge, how every cell of my being knows exactly who you are but never why you have come!
You came twice that week to tell me that your ashrams in Germany were ready for Source feeding although at that stage I had no idea of the term, all I knew was that somehow my system had locked into a different way and state of being that I could not comprehend, yet it had.
It is strange how many know of you and love you, have heard of your commitment to remain high in the Himalayans until Earth and her people have ascended and yet I know that your visits among us are only holographic flashes; for your presence is never seen as solid at all … and yet I feel you walking ancient paths high in the mountain range called the rooftop of our world. And yes, I sense how a gentle beloved always walks there at your side, a mirror image of the beauty that you are, although feminine in form as you represent the masculine and feminine always merged for it is then in wholeness, that we all can be reborn.
I have not seen you since, as no doubt there has been no need for you to appear again in my life – the message was given, the invitation fulfilled and it was your Beloveds in your ashrams that brought Source feeding so powerfully into their lives for you were right, they were ready for this more than any others before.
I thank you for bringing your devotee to my door, the one who published our experiences of this way of light and how it feeds our souls – for this merge and meet we are both so humbled and so grateful.
Thank you Babaji thank you!
For those emailing in re parenting … so happy to help in any way!
At 65 with the family game and being a yogini ….this is just some of what I have learnt …
1. Kids grow up to quick! So do grandkids – yipes! I wish I’d slowed down more and been more mindful rather than trying to find time to isolate and meditate away from them all ……
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