Hello everyone,
As the months roll by, it seems as if the new normal is unlike anything we have witnessed on Earth before and yet we know it really is a bridge to a brand new time, something our Light Being friends discuss in great detail in the video below.
For all of us we can see so much changing in our own lives and also on a global level – a change we are advised will remain quite intense for the next few years – at least until 2025. Then from 2030 so much will change again until by 2050, our planet will be in a brand new zone and almost unrecognizable to how it is operating now.
With many people dropping their bodies and many more still to leave, for many their contract on Earth is coming to completion while for others new contracts are coming in along with many of our Star Being friends who are taking human form through the normal birth process. Each one is carrying the experiential template of what life is like in the Unified realms and how to exist in harmony with all, just as we do. Peaceful, wise and love filled these new ones have been coming in for some time with awareness of what our world requires and also in answer to many people’s heart prayers.