Wudang Mountains, China – June 2019

A few days of travel and here I am in these sacred mountains connecting in with the Taoist College and the people who have founded this in the Wudang Mountains as well as in other sacred mountains ranges in China. I know we have that same connective bridge, these ones to the Taoist way and myself to St Germain who was the embodiment that Taoist leader took as part of the trans-Himalayan brotherhood to continue the teachings of high alchemy.
I know that this ability for us to be nourished in the way that we are by the light body matrix when it blossoms and is strong enough in its rising within us, is part of the alchemical process that many go through in the waking up to who we really are as vast multidimensional beings and it’s so beautiful to know that there is this common connective bridge here within my own energy matrix and the matrix that these ones also carry.
After sharing with a few hundred people last night, a little bit more about my journey with this and also connecting with the founders of the institute, we will leave again to walk the sacred hills and spend time in the mountain villa to just feel the power of the vortex here and allow the energies to exchange themselves the way they do – whether we are conscious of it or not – for everywhere we are in every moment the fields are interacting, the energy transmissions from our core, from our body of light with the energy fields in which we enter always the information is exchanged light body matrix to light body matrix, whether that light body is the light body of the mountain itself and the sacred vortex that is here.
So many people, as in Lourdes or Fatima and other places, have come to be in sacred pilgrimage, to go deep into silent stillness and enjoy all that these sacred mountains offer and so I join them in this pilgrimage with my friend Wu Ling, to again just walk the mountain trails and be in silent stillness and stay in that state of open receptivity and awareness so that whatever message that needs to come will come in the right way and time.
I must admit that when I follow the call of my heart to come to these sacred places there is always some dynamic waiting to click in, always something ready to be transferred or to transpire into my conscious awareness and yet we also need to let everything go to just be still and present in order to receive that which is truly there for us, to have no expectations and allow the fields to mix and merge and deliver their revelations in the way that each revelation needs to come.
It will be interesting these next few days to be in that silent receptive state and just to tune on other levels to the multidimensional vortex that is here and receive and transmit whatever it is for the highest good that needs to unfold in its own way and time. Another sacred mountain, another sacred visit, another fulfillment of the call of my heart and as usual I know that it is the call of the heart that allows new patterns to mix and merge when we answer that call in the right way and time. And so the journey continues.
As the days unfold we visit so many sacred places for the mountain is full of temples and places of immersion. It is said that Lao Tsu lived in these mountains for 42 years and we can feel the magic of deep stillness here, a peace-filled stillness that reminds of the forests of Assisi in Italy where St Francis and his brotherhood lived.
As we climb the thousand stairs up to the Celestial Palace and look out upon the surrounding valleys, I feel the pure hearts of the myriads of tourists and pilgrims who have come from all over China and also other lands, to walk the trails and ask in prayer for help for themselves or those they love, or just to pray for peace and harmony in our world. The energy here is unlike any other sacred vortex I have been to on Earth as it seems to operate more like a washing machine, flowing through the systems of all who come, to recalibrate or even heal as required.
As I go deeper into meditation, I sense the grid around China like a massive fisherman’s net with the sacred mountains and other sacred power places all hooked up and radiating so much through the land. Around a few of the major cities I can see a few breaks in the web especially where pollution is quite strong. Whether this be physical, emotional or mental is irrelevant as the government here has begun a massive environmental clean program while also encouraging the population to apply the principles of Confucius to daily life.
After nearly 5 years of being in cultural exchange with so many people of this country I have yet to witness anything disturbing and so much that I see uplifts my heart. It is a beautiful country filled with amazing people who seem so healthy and also quite happy at their core and so keen to live in greater purpose and peace. But then as we know like always attracts like.
This is Jasmuheen tuning in from the Wudang Mountains in China.