The True Beloved Mantra Meditation
Link to the complete TRUE BELOVED Meditation
Data re this meditation
There is a call in the world in the heart’s of so many now to experience something so true and pure in the realm of love relationships to the degree that sometimes this desire, this intuitive knowing that we can have this allows us to engulf our loved one’s in a field of expectation where many then feel disappointed because we are asking our human partners to deliver something that they themselves cannot deliver until they too have come into that state of divine marriage with the true beloved within, have experienced its rising and its flow and its power to wash through us like an ocean of energy and transform every human hunger.
This true beloved dissolves in its rising everything within us that is no longer able to match its frequency or receive its emanations and so of course we must come to a point in conscious awareness and in our heart of hearts of being absolutely ready for this transmission and revelation.
So we offer the following meditation to allow you to play with the words of power that allowed me to gain access in my own private time when my heart was fully open and surrendered for the true beloved to reveal its power and its glory, moving wave-like in motion through my heart and washing through my body temple biosystem.
We ask you of course to play with the words because perhaps the mantras that we use will not do the trick so to speak for you. For example, the word ‘Christed’ means a beingness of pure love and yet when you chant this over and over you might have to change the word to ‘essence’ if your body is not responding, but you will find the right words of power for you and know them by how your system cellular structure responds. Perhaps the cells will respond with little tingles, perhaps you’ll find a massive recalibration of your body, yet the words of power to release the true beloved within us must be accompanied by a sincere and open heart, by a readiness on all levels of your being to enter the realm of the true beloved, to experience it in another deeper level than perhaps you may have done so before.
The return of the energy of the true beloved is so important in our time because as an aspect of our own pure essence nature it is also the baseline frequency of the Shamballa matrix which has risen and is pulsing its energies through the human world calling us to come into deeper states of unity consciousness to step into permanent flows of peace and all that our heart of hearts desires at this point in time.
The true beloved energy has also the power to free our emotional body of our emotional body addictions to the pleasure of social eating and taking physical food, which has become a substitute behaviour and a way of feeding us emotionally when people come into levels of loneliness, loss or pain.
Everyone I meet talks of the various degrees of emotional body addictions that they have for the pleasure or the habit of taking too much physical food and we see the evidence of this in many Western countries with the rising of obesity in our world and the billions of dollars it is costing people personally and our health systems to try to bring health back into peoples lives. Obesity is the greatest epidemic in our world at the moment bringing so many people into the diseases of heart failure, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and so much more and a lot of this of course is stimulated by toxic feeding, toxic feeling and toxic thinking patterns.
The rising and the revelation of the true beloved energy eliminates this toxicity from our being and from our lives recalibrating us back into an energy that is wise and loving and powerfully transformational. This then flows back to influence all of our human relationships; our relationships with our loved ones, romantic loved ones and family, friends, community as well for the release of the true beloved energy within us all also anchors us in an energy of absolute freedom, peace, joy, bliss, relief and relaxation so play with this meditation, play with your words of power within it and open to this experience of the true beloved, enter into this meditation with just the openness, the willingness to align once more to that powerful pure energy of love that we know as beloved.
This is Jasmuheen for the Embassy of Peace