In her YouTube playlist and video series called HEART TALK, Jasmuheen speaks from her heart the expansion of global consciousness, ascension and descension, the co-creation of permanent peace in our world, heart, health & family harmonics, her life as a bringer of change with pranic living & more. Please feel free to watch these videos, comment and discuss constructively and share and disseminate where appropriate …
- 3 new audios – The Holy Ones on Attaining and Maintaining Global Leadership; Accessing the Holy Ones in Meditation; Being More Zen – in English and Japanese. These are also on YouTube as videos.
- Audio of Jasmuheen on Pranic Living; Audio of Outside In and Inside Out Feeding; Audio on Cosmic Micro-Fuel Update
RECENT MESSAGES Earth’s Garden’s of Eden – Message from the Divine Feminine through Jasmuheen 29th August 2013 – “The revelation experience and expansion of the Gardens of Eden in your world are a step by step process, one that may seem to be too slow for some, while it passes around so many others who are not yet open to its flow. Still others are already in these gardens with hearts filled with gratitude and lives filled with grace. For more on Earths Eden …
- Message on Kindness from the Divine Feminine. English with German translation.
- A brief message from Mother Mary & the Divine Feminine – YouTube video – received initially as automatic writing through Jasmuheen after her Darkroom Retreat in March 2013. For more of these type of messages you may enjoy her book “Cosmic Colleagues” available from and also from her website. Images and background tones also by Jasmuheen.
- The Audio Divine Mother Message German Retreat 29-6-13 of the below 3 videos. English with German translation. For the 3 separate messages that this audio contains see the below.
- The Bliss of Magnificence – Divine Mother Message Part 1 through Jasmuheen – in this video the Divine Feminine shares about the purpose of human suffering in relationship to the discovery of the bliss of magnificence and entering into a new time of joy and ease and Grace. English with German translation by Margarete Scheipner – recorded live in Germany – 30th June 2013. Watch on YouTube.
- The Garden of Eden – Divine Mother Message Part 2 through Jasmuheen – in this video the Divine Feminine shares about the current transition process of Gaia, affecting weather patterns through consciousness shifts plus honouring our Indigenous as Star Beings and caretakers of Mother Earth. English with German translation by Margarete Scheipner – recorded live in Germany – 30th June 2013. Link to this as a YouTube video.
- The Divine Heart and Your Song of Joy – Divine Mother Message Part 3 through Jasmuheen – in this video the Divine Feminine shares about the songs of joy and love for humanity and how these have the potnetial to transform and influence all suffering in our world. English with German translation by Margarete Scheipner – recorded live in Germany – 30th June 2013. Link to this as a YouTube video.
- See also our Channeled Communication YouTube playlist.
- Also see our Baseline Essence series on YouTube. A series of simple videos on the gifts of our Baseline Essence – our B.E. – that pure and perfect part of our own enlightened nature. In interdimensional energy field science, a BASELINE is a frequency that directs and supports the flow of events. As an energy pulse, a baseline also determines our experiences in life. …