Link to the complete I Love You Meditation with Jasmuheen
Introduction to the I Love You Meditation
I have found since the revelation of the true beloved energy once again deep within me in February or should I say March 2015, that all I can feel as I meet and gaze upon another being whether it’s my family, friends or someone who has come into my energy field seeking information or an energy exchange that all I can say from the depth of my true beingness is “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you”.
The I Love You mantra and intention was something given to me so long ago from the Light Beings that I have been deeply connected with for the past 40 something years and it was at that time a short meditation directed to the physical body temple so that we could come into deeper levels of appreciation with this temple for it is such a magnificent machine.
The body temple of course exists as a physical, emotional, mental and even etheric energy flow and pulsation and yet in our Western world there is so little appreciation of the magnificence of this temple and we often spend particularly as women time in judgement of this temple, wanting it to operate a little differently or look a little differently even when the body temple maybe going through changes that may cause pain we tend to judge this wanting it to heal or fix itself or be fixed so quickly when sometimes all it needs is time.
Similarly everyone in our world is evolving in their own way and time according to the realisation of why things are manifesting in their life, the lessons, the virtues gained, the insights from this and we have come into a time where it is so important that we hold the space of unconditional love for each other as we make our journey’s now into this next phase of a more enlightened evolution and so it was interesting for me to listen and watch a video of Matt Kahn an indigo child now in his thirties who is also promoting many similar realities that I have been working deeply with for so long. I know that Matt works with a similar team of light beings and we both have come to understand the power of divine love and the Law of Love which states that when we tune, align to the essence of the love that we really are that pure love then what radiates from us can nourish us, repattern us as well as then radiate out from us to repattern the world around us and touch and nourish all those who are open to this love.
And so it was so beautiful for me in our recent gathering in France where we gathered with so many open loving people to find the I Love You meditation extending itself beyond appreciation to the physical body and then having this intention and feeling flow move across the world and then receive the biofeedback pulses from the sensitives back to us as waves of pure love. It is wonderful that we can play in this way at this time strengthen and nourish each other so we hope that you will enjoy the following meditation!
Link to the complete I Love You Meditation with Jasmuheen
This is Jasmuheen for the Embassy of Peace