Jasmuheen in India at the GCSS in 2016

Jasmuheen in India …

29th September to the 2nd of  October 2016

During our 2016 gathering GCSS President Jasmuheen will present her Higher Light Science program on eliminating all human hungers while we energise our systems with the purest Source frequencies so that everything about us enhances our world as we in turn are enhanced by being in this world.
This program provides a simple way to elevate our consciousness so that we are consistently anchored in the ocean of purest love, peace and awareness while simultaneously having our presence nourish others in our world. This program improves health, happiness and harmony levels within each person and their communities.

About Jasmuheen as President of GCSS …

Having been invited to work in over 33 countries, with 38 books now in 18 languages, Jasmuheen attracts people from all over the world and she is especially loved for her sense of humour and the simple yet powerful techniques she shares, that can transform all aspects of people lives when they are ready for this. Her meditations are dynamic, inspirational and deeply insightful, her angelic harmonies and tools have released many from deep seated physical emotional and mental traumas and the lifestyle she recommends has brought many back into full health. As a natural telepath and empath and visionary, this lifestyle was given to Jasmuheen as a tool to end all human suffering by what she calls her Cosmic Colleagues, a collection of loving light beings of pure consciousness – these include Buddha, Kwan Yin, Mother Mary, the Christed Ones, Babaji, the masters of Higher Alchemy and others.

Her work focuses on self mastery through self knowledge so that the consciousness of our world can be harmonized and unified, when people are open for this, to provide the best future for ourselves and our children and our earth.

A wife, mother and grandmother, Jasmuheen spent over a decade in the corporate sector in finance, as a computer programmer, before being called to her full time selfless service agenda. Over the past twenty years she has been invited to share her knowledge, through the Embassy of Peace, with the Mayan Elders, various tribes of the Amazon and in Colombia, and India. She has worked in the slums in Brazil to unify the people there and improve their lives in general and she has also presented her work numerous times at the United Nations both in New York and Vienna through their spiritual groups there.
Known in the west as the Grandmother of Breatharianism, Jasmuheen has spent over 22 years researching sustainable solutions to global health and hunger problems through intense personal experimentation that has freed her from all personal hungers and so she is well known as the leading western researcher in the field of alternative nourishment called prana of chi, known in China as Bigu. Now in her 60th year, she has also understood the power of unconditional love to self and others and how to exist in maximum harmony in family and community life.
For more on Jasmuheen at this event you can go to – http://www.spiritualcongress.org/